Weekly Photo Challenge: Adventure

Buddhist relics, Shandong Provincial Museum, gold

Special Exhibit: Buddhist Relics, Shandong Provincial Museum

I’m not one for bungee jumping or sky diving. My adventure today was to take some new friends to the Shandong Provincial Museum where we saw this magnificent relic holder in an exhibit of artifacts. I was blown away by this majestic object.


What a nice place to keep your relics

1. Each week, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog (a new post!) anytime before the following Friday when the next photo theme will be announced. 2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos, title your blog post “Weekly Photo Challenge: (theme of the week)” and be sure to use the “postaday″ tag. 3. Follow The Daily Post so that you don’t miss out on weekly challenge announcements, and subscribe to our newsletter – we’ll highlight great photos from each month’s most popular challenge. Other great photos:

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Dialog

Thai temple, Buddhist guardian

Thai temple, Buddhist guardian

At Chion Temple, Kyoto Japan

At Chion Temple, Kyoto Japan

1. Each week, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog (a new post!) anytime before the following Friday when the next photo theme will be announced. 2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos, title your blog post “Weekly Photo Challenge: (theme of the week)” and be sure to use the “postaday″ tag. 3. Follow The Daily Post so that you don’t miss out on weekly challenge announcements, and subscribe to our newsletter – we’ll highlight great photos from each month’s most popular challenge.

Other great photos:

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