If You Come to China

Remember to always look at the pavement, since so much of it is uneven or broken. If you don’t you might sprain your ankle as I did Thurs.

Now you also have to constantly keep your eyes peeled for electric bikes, regular bikes and cars that are driving where they shouldn’t. It’s a wonder this is the first time I’ve injured myself.

I’ve been hoping around a lot and trying to stay off it. My student assistant was busy so she arranged, as she seems to always do, for my previous student assistant to help me communicate at the clinic. There the doctor said to get an “atomizer” and and ace bandage. The nearest pharmacy didn’t have ace bandages or anything like that. The box for the atomizer seemed odd so I didn’t bother with that. I did get some hot pads, which have helped and Annie, my former student assistant, came by with an “atomizer,” which is a spray that seems more of a placebo than anything else. It’s a spray with a very medicinal odor. It doesn’t seem to numb the pain, which is subsiding with time anyway.

I’ll be fine. I can’t walk around much for the time being though. The doctor said that it should take 100 days to heal. I’m hoping it’s a couple weeks at most. A hundred days seems like folk medicine.

4 thoughts on “If You Come to China

  1. The first time I was in Jinan I kept near falling while exiting the main bldg. on campus as there is that small “unexpected” step when you exit the main doorway. Any way, I hope you don’t have any more missteps!


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